Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lily Playing Peek-a-boo

Lily recently started playing peek-a-boo. Here she is playing with Michael tonight. She tries faking me out once and tries being sly another time:

Our New Mazda(notaminivan)5

My dad and I (Michael) went to pick up our Mazda5 yesterday near Columbus, OH. It rode great on the way back and looks like it will have plenty of room for us for years to come. (Most importantly, Michelle likes it.) A couple of pictures are below:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

5 Months Old

This month, Lily has been spending a lot of time practicing rolling over in her crib. Once she rolls onto her stomach though, she can't turn herself back over. She flails around and yells for us to help her time after time, so we are hoping she learns to roll from her belly to her back soon! She recently started waking up in the middle of the night to eat again after months of sleeping 10 or 11 hours at a stretch, so we are trying rice cereal. Eating with a spoon is very new to her and will take some time to get the hang of. She is a very active baby and is learning new things everyday.

Pajama Party

All dressed up

Playing in her new exersaucer

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lily's Tries Cereal

Lily "ate" some rice cereal yesterday!