Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lily's Half Birthday

Lily turned six months old on September 13th and she has changed so much with each month! At her doctor's appointment yesterday she measured 26 1/4 inches long and weighed 18 pounds. Her little body is starting to balance out, as she has shot up in height. Her head, length, and weight are now all around the 75th percentile.

She is getting better at eating cereal and likes to grab the spoon and smear food on her face. She rolls all around to play with her toys and to try to grab the cat (her favorite toy). Lily is starting to learn a lot of different sound combinations, including "da", which she practices with the approval of daddy. She can sit up with some support and her new thing is throwing herself backwards because she wants us to hang her upside down where everything looks different!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Freshly Painted House

Over Labor Day weekend we had family over to help repaint the house. It was a huge job but we managed to get the entire house painted. It was well worth it...the finished product looks wonderful! Thank you to everyone who helped work!