Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lily's First Haircut

Yesterday Lily got her first haircut! It was getting really long in the back and she got several inches taken off. We saved a curly lock for her baby book. Here are the before and after shots...cute, right?

Monday, August 9, 2010

4 Month Checkup

This month Juliet discovered her feet, rejected pacifiers altogether in favor of her thumb, figured out how to roll over, started sleeping through the night, and then stopped sleeping through the night. At her 4-month doctor's visit last week her height was 25 1/4 inches and weight was 15 pounds, 11 ounces. That's the 80th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight!

Lazy Days

This summer Lily has enjoyed riding on a boat for the first time, learning how to fish (minus the hook), and spending time with her cousins.

At great-aunt Peggy's lake cottage

On Gramps' boat

At the zoo with Alistair for his 1st birthday

Ready for a picnic with Alli and Alex

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Portraits of the Girls

We have been wanting to get professional pictures of the girls taken since Juliet was born and finally did it. These were taken by Sue Todia of Simply Photography and they turned out really well! If you are interested in having portraits taken in the Fort Wayne area, you can see her other work at and contact her at