Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Our little cuties had fun on Easter, although we missed seeing family this year! We decorated eggs and then hunted for the eggs and treats that the Easter Bunny left. After the girls found everything, they had eggs spread all over the floor as they sorted through their loot.

Trip to the Zoo

Last week we had a few really nice rain-free days and went to the Baltimore Zoo for the first time. This is Lily with her best little friend Adriana. They are super cute together and love to meet for playdates!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Juliet's First Birthday

Juliet officially turned one at the end of March and we can't believe how quickly her first year has gone by! She can walk when holding onto our hands or furniture and she very much wants to be a big girl like her sister. She climbs into little chairs to sit and turn the pages of books, examining each page. She shakes her head yes and no, claps, points emphatically, and blows kisses (she actually makes a "mwah" sound now!) She brushes her hair, hugs doll babies, and tries to sneak drinks of her sister's juice. She is becoming a daddy's girl and crawls adorably after Michael wherever he goes.
At her 12 month doctor's appointment, we found that Juliet has been growing and thinning out a little. Her height is 29 3/4 inches and her weight is 21 pounds, putting her in the 70th percentile for height and the 55th percentile for weight. A few days after her birthday, she decided she was done with nursing and stopped altogether. Although it has been uncomfortable for me, we are thrilled that she self-weaned. She has been eating and sleeping well and is easy to soothe back to sleep if she wakes during the night. I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my baby yet but, ready or not, she is moving on to toddlerhood!