Thursday, December 12, 2013

Snow Day

We got our first real snow this week!  A few inches is enough to close school around here and the girls were very excited to have a snow day.  We bundled up and made snow angels, threw snow balls, and made a snow mountain, followed by hot chocolate and a Christmas movie.  It was a fun day!

Holiday Festivities

We have been busy preparing for the holidays around here!  When Gramps and Mimi visited we went to the B&O Railroad Museum to see the trains and Christmas displays and to take a train ride with Frosty the Snowman.  It was Lily and Juliet's first train ride and a lot of fun for all!  We also went to a Christmas tree lighting ceremony and put up our own tree, complete with a train around it!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thanksgiving Feasts

We had a great Thanksgiving this year.  Both Lily and Juliet had feasts in their classrooms on Wednesday, and then on Thursday Gramps and Mimi came to visit and spend the holiday with us.  It was nice to spend Thanksgiving with family!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turkey Hill

Grammy and grandpa visited last weekend and we took a trip to the Turkey Hill interactive museum in Pennsylvania.  We learned how ice cream is made and got to create our own ice cream flavors in the taste lab (a lot of cotton candy and rainbow sprinkles went into the girls').  It was well worth the trip!

Trick or Treat Night

This year for Halloween Lily dressed as Batgirl and Juliet chose to be Pocahontas.  They were adorable and so excited to trick or treat in our neighborhood.  Nana came too and the girls got lots and lots of candy.  I was very proud of them when, after a week of eating Halloween candy, they agreed to donate the rest!