Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

We had our Easter egg hunt inside this year because it was a rainy day, but we still had fun searching for eggs, finding little surprises, and eating way too much candy!

Birthday Girls

I did a little photo shoot of the girls in their party dresses and had to post a bunch because they turned out so cute.  People continue to ask me if they are twins because they're pretty close in size.  At their annual checkup, we found that Lily is around the 15th percentile for her age and Juliet is around the 75th percentile for her age.  They are only a few inches and a few pounds apart...but Juliet still has her baby cheeks!

Lily and Juliet's Birthday Parties

March is birthday month for us!  Lily turned 5 this year, and two weeks later Juliet turned 3.  On each girl's birthday we had a morning birthday party that I think will become a tradition at our house.  We got their favorite donuts and put a big candle on top, sang happy birthday, and opened presents in jammies after breakfast.  What fun for kids to have a little party right away on their birthday and get to play with their new toys all day.  I volunteered at Lily's preschool on her birthday and we brought in cupcakes to celebrate again with her class.  Then we had a Littlest Pet Shop party for both of them the week between their birthdays with Nana, G.G. Loretta, the cousins, and a few of Lily and Juliet's best friends.  It has been an exciting month around here!

Spring Snow Day

This has been a very mild winter in Baltimore and we never had more than a dusting of snow all winter, not enough to get out and play, much to the girls' disappointment.  Then in the first week of Spring, when we had given up all hope of a snow day, we woke up to a surprise three inches and no school!  Lily and Juliet were so excited to get bundled up and and make snow angels, catch flakes on their tongues, and build a snowman.  It only lasted for one day, but they finally got their fun in the snow, followed by hot chocolate.