Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turkey Hill

Grammy and grandpa visited last weekend and we took a trip to the Turkey Hill interactive museum in Pennsylvania.  We learned how ice cream is made and got to create our own ice cream flavors in the taste lab (a lot of cotton candy and rainbow sprinkles went into the girls').  It was well worth the trip!

Trick or Treat Night

This year for Halloween Lily dressed as Batgirl and Juliet chose to be Pocahontas.  They were adorable and so excited to trick or treat in our neighborhood.  Nana came too and the girls got lots and lots of candy.  I was very proud of them when, after a week of eating Halloween candy, they agreed to donate the rest!

Halloween Parties

Lily and Juliet had a great Halloween and each got to go to a party at the park and at school before the big night.  They wore their unicorn and monster costumes at the park and saved their new costumes for trick or treating.  Nana came for a visit and we had beautiful fall weather with all of the leaves just changing color!


Fall Farm Visit

This fall we visited our favorite farm to take a hay ride, go down a hillside slide, and make our way through a hay maze.  There were lots of fun activities for kids and we came home with apples and pumpkins!

Our Little Preschooler

Juliet started school for the first time ever this fall!  She is in a great preschool program for 3 year olds that meets three days a week for a few hours in the afternoon.  She loves going to school like her big sister and has no problem saying goodbye to mama and going off on her own.  There are a lot of special days and field trips at Juliet's preschool.  Already this fall she has gone to a pumpkin farm, a fire house, a snack factory, and a play.  She also just finished her first session of gymnastics.  She was very excited to actually go into the gym herself after watching her sister from the lobby for the last two years.  Last week she had her exhibition class where the parents could go in and watch the children get certificates and medals.  Juliet was thrilled and said "I winned!"  

Her language has just exploded in the last three months - she talks all the time and sometimes we can't believe what comes out of her mouth.  She's very imaginative and has a funny sense of humor and a dramatic flair.  When I asked her what she did on her first day of school she said she chased a little boy on the playground and then stuffed him in the trash can.  Once when walking up the dark staircase she said she thought that trouble was brewing.  And the other night when we were trying to put her to bed she popped up and announced that her sleeping days were over.  It's fun to watch her growing into her own little person!