Tuesday, April 15, 2008

One Month Old

Lily is already a month old! She had an appointment with the pediatrician yesterday and she has grown an inch and gained two pounds since her last visit. She is changing everyday and getting big chubby cheeks!

We recently started giving the baby a pacifier and it really soothes her.

Lily in her swing

A visit with Grandma and Grandpa Voorhees

Lily likes being carried close to mom in a sling

She has her awake times...

But still spends most of her days asleep
Lily spending time with dad


Anonymous said...

Awesome photos of our little Lilly!!! Give her big kisses from G&G Saxton.
Amy leaves out fo town on Sunday for the week but would love to see her next weekend.

C Emrick said...

Very adorable! The three cutest girls ever can see each other this weekend!