Monday, July 7, 2008

Four Month Doctor's Appointment

Lily is four months old now and she has grown a lot in the last few months. At the doctor's today we found out she is 24 inches long and weighs 14 pounds, 2 ounces! Her weight and head are in the 75th percentile and her length is in the 50th percentile. She has been turning onto her side and trying to roll over, but is not quite ready yet. She coos, squeals, shouts, and tries to imitate sounds we make.

Lily is very aware of everything going on around her and doesn't want to miss a thing...which means she doesn't want to take naps. It has been very hard to get her to sleep this past month, but we are are working on establishing a routine. Babies have a basic rest and alertness cycle that is 90 minutes long. At the end of a 90-minute increment of awake time, they are primed to sleep. We have been keeping track of when Lily's windows for sleep will be and it's really helping.


C Emrick said...

I love the picture of her sucking her thumb!

Anonymous said...

pictures are great with her cousins & can't wait to see the video of lily rolling over