Tuesday, April 14, 2009

13-Month Checkup

Lily had a doctor's appointment yesterday and at 13 months she is 29 1/2 inches and weighs 21 pounds, 4 ounces. Her height, weight, and head circumference are all at the 50th percentile now and she is healthy and developing well. However, for the past month she has been waking up crying many times every night and can't get back to sleep without nursing or coming in our bed. We think she is teething but we want to break these bad habits and help her learn to soothe herself (and get some sleep). If anyone has been through this, we could use your advice!


Anonymous said...

I've been through this and will share what worked for me. Every child is different, though. When Lily cries, just go to the door of her room, and check to see she's OK. Don't take her from the crib, just say, "Everything's OK" in a soft voice so she knows she's not been abandoned, and then leave. She'll probably start crying again. Don't go back in her room for 10-15 minutes. This part takes nerves of steel! Repeat until she stops crying. If she isn't sick, there is no need to take her from her crib. The first night will seem endless. The second night, lengthen the amount of time between checks, and by the third or fourth night, hopefully she'll be back to sleeping all night. I hope this advice is helpful. I vividly remember how much I longed for that full night of sleep!
Aunt Becky

Michelle said...

Thanks, Becky - we'll try it.