Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lily's Big Girl Bed

We gave Lily's room a makeover and she's been sleeping in a twin bed for several weeks now. She was very excited when we put her bed together - she couldn't stop jumping on it, snuggling on the pillow and saying "nap!" She likes to have all of her stuffed animals around her and loves it when Penelope joins her. The little craft table and reading corner make it a great place to play, too.
We're really proud of how well Lily has done in her big girl bed. She still goes to bed easily and sleeps through the night. We did put a child gate at the door to prevent her from getting up and wandering around in the morning or at naptime. She didn't nap at first but now she does sometimes (for a short while), so we're hoping this will become the trend.

1 comment:

C Emrick said...

Love Lily's room! Want to help me decorate my girls new rooms this summer?