Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our Summer List

Now that summer has started, I decided to make a big list of things we want to do in the next few months. I framed strips of scrapbook paper and wrote directly on the acrylic with dry erase marker so we can check off the activities as we do them. Here is Lily checking out the finished product - she is pretty excited about it! We have also started using a reward chart where we keep track of Lily's good behavior. She earns a reward for accumulating a set number of points each week. Her first prize was a softball mitt so she can play catch with daddy. She's getting pretty good!

Indoor Fun

We have had a bit of a heat wave lately and have been coming up with fun things to play inside. We decorated a cardboard box to be a little house for dolls and stuffed animals and have been playing with it all week. Lily likes to tuck friends into bed and Juliet likes to push the box around and take them on walks. We have also been snuggling up and reading lots and lots of library books.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kiddie Pool

We got this cool new pool with a little hippo slide and water-squirting palm trees. It's pretty great - the first time Juliet tried it I think it was literally the most fun she'd ever had in her life. Needless to say, we'll be using it a lot this summer.

Memorial Day Weekend

Over Memorial Day weekend Gramps and Mimi drove from Fort Wayne to visit us. We had beautiful weather and were able to spend time outside and grill out for the first time this year. Mimi had lots of crafts planned, including edible finger paint (Juliet's first experience painting) and a stepping stone for Lily to decorate. It was a really nice weekend and it was great to have visitors!


The girls are so cute in their sunglasses and like wearing them even in the house. Jules doesn't say much yet but she's very expressive!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Since the weather has warmed up, we have been spending a lot of time outdoors. We play at the park, in the yard, or on the back deck. We will soon be fencing in our backyard so the girls can play outside more freely. I joined a mom's club last month so we have also been going to playgroups and meeting lots of new moms and kids. Our biggest news is that Juliet started walking a few weeks ago...she is very pleased with herself!

Lily helped me plant our flower bed this spring and Jules helps daddy with the yardwork.

On rainy days we bring the car inside and both girls try to fit in it. They also make the necessary repairs when there is a crash.

Our back deck is set up like a little outdoor playroom.

We take wagon rides almost every day and they love facing each other and blowing bubbles.

Michael painted a little Ikea table with chalkboard paint for the kids.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011