Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our Summer List

Now that summer has started, I decided to make a big list of things we want to do in the next few months. I framed strips of scrapbook paper and wrote directly on the acrylic with dry erase marker so we can check off the activities as we do them. Here is Lily checking out the finished product - she is pretty excited about it! We have also started using a reward chart where we keep track of Lily's good behavior. She earns a reward for accumulating a set number of points each week. Her first prize was a softball mitt so she can play catch with daddy. She's getting pretty good!


Auntie jess said...

I love this list and all these pictures. I hope we can do some of those things too. Congrats to Lily on earning her mitt.

Ryan and Michelle said...

Juliet is sporting a nice tan!